Weekend Tids and Bits
PRAISE THE LORD AND PASS THE AMMUNITION – seems to be a good opening number for a service at the New Bethel Church in Louisville, KY. The pastor, Ken Pagano, is inviting his parishioners to bring their guns to church, according to a New York Times story you can read at http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/26/us/26guns.html?hp. If you bring your weapon openly to church, make sure it’s unloaded, because deputies will be checking, the story says. If it’s concealed, no problem.
In most states, it’s legal to openly carry a gun – you get in trouble when the weapon is concealed. The nuances vary by state and if you’re thinking of strapping on a holster, visit http://opencarry.org first.
SOME GUYS GET ALL THE BREAKS – If an elected official has a chance to pick the day for going public with an adulterous affair, South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford’s luck sets an example. Sanford’s love life had roughly 24 hours in the main media spotlight and was already being edged by Farah Fawcett’s death when Michael Jackson’s demise moved Sanford’s trouble to the “In other news…” sections.
Elephants aren’t particularly afraid of mice, but the Republican Party has gone so conservative that someone yelling “Change!” at a GOP event will start the Pachyderm Party thundering and trumpeting towards the doors at http://larryblaskosaid.blogspot.com/2009/06/elephants-and-mice-republicans-and.html
Something is happening in Iran, but exactly what is information hard to come by. Harder still is information about why we should care much one way or the other at http://larryblaskosaid.blogspot.com/2009/06/iran-turmoil-yeah.html
We need to do something about the environment, if only to shut up the environmentalists whose concern is so all encompassing, they were worried about cow burps at http://larryblaskosaid.blogspot.com/2009/06/radical-reformers-target-cow-burps.html. No confirmation yet on the rumor that some environmentalists have developed such a concern about discharging bodily waste that they hold it as long as possible. Confirmation, of course, would confirm that they are indeed full of it.
South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford gave in to temptation, but so did the media outfits who quoted extensively from e-mails between the lovers at http://larryblaskosaid.blogspot.com/2009/06/giving-in-to-temptation-south-carolina.html
Michael Jackson’s death sparked a media frenzy of major size and minor importance at http://larryblaskosaid.blogspot.com/2009/06/michael-jackson-and-things-of.html