Weekend Tids and Bits
I KNOW I PUT IT SOMEWHERE… Lou Dobbs, the often-controversial CNN anchor resigned and there’s talk he might make a run for the Senate from New Jersey, where he has a home, or for president in the 2012 race. Dobbs, whose views on immigration and whether or not President Obama is a U.S. citizen stirred much controversy must be making double sure that he has all the documentation proving he’s the native Texan he says he is.
WHAT BUTTON PLEASE STARTS THIS WATER PLANT? The New York Times is reporting that lots of high-tech infrastructure donated to rebuild Iraq and funded by American tax dollars is confronting a serious problem: the Iraqis don’t know how to run the damned things. Read the article at http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/21/world/middleeast/21reconstruct.html?hp
WE MIGHT HAVE A PROBLEM HERE seems to the stance of the Department of Defense after Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan killed 13 and wounded more than 30 in a Nov. 5 shooting spree at Fort Hood, apparently sparked by his radical Islamist beliefs. The department announced a 45-day probe to see if there were gaps in the procedures that might have flagged Hasan as a threat. Ordinary civilians might see more than a dozen dead bodies, a trail of peer complaints and suspicious e-mails and conclude that there were gaps, but the DOD has its methods.
WE REALLY HAVE A PROBLEM HERE when the breathless media buzz is over how much of the Tool That Did The Deed will be on display in Levi Johnston’s Playgirl shoot, apparently concluded last week. Johnston is the father of a baby, whose mother is Bristol Palin, whose mother is Sarah Palin, who failed to be elected Vice President of The United States and so seems to be running for President. All of which seems to make perfect sense to folks in certain media and political circles.
· Medicare Plan P, for Playing The Odds seems a natural when various medical bigwigs are disagreeing in public over mammograms and other procedures and practices. Why not set medical payments on how often the medicos make the right guess? http://larryblaskosaid.blogspot.com/2009/11/plan-whose-time-has-come-medicare-plan_18.html
· Sense From Congress? Yes, at least from four Republican senators who note that we’ve created a government of the incumbents, by the incumbents and for the incumbents and have proposed a Constitutional Amendment that would make it perish from the face of the earth. (Sorry, Abe.) http://larryblaskosaid.blogspot.com/2009/11/stunning-departure-sense-from-congress.html
· Major party honors buzzed up for Sarah Palin, just maybe not from the party you might think in http://larryblaskosaid.blogspot.com/2009/11/hear-hear-major-party-honors-for-sarah.html
Have a great weekend!