Loosey Goosey Gander
Loosey Goosey Gander
Our guy Don
Went to bed with his Twitter on.
He snorted and snored
He shouted and bleated,
But through it all,
He faithfully tweeted!
Voter Fraud Commission
Voter Purges Are Coming
Courtesy of the Trumpsters.
If you're not white and old and male,
Your votes go in the dumpsters!
Courtesy of the Trumpsters.
If you're not white and old and male,
Your votes go in the dumpsters!
The Smooching Mooch
"The Mooch" is good at kissing air
--and regions somewhat lower.
How low he'll go
We'll all soon know
When he gets Trump’s first glower.
--and regions somewhat lower.
How low he'll go
We'll all soon know
When he gets Trump’s first glower.
Lost & Found
And don't be aghast --
While it took him six months,
He found his balls at last!
Dream Act Advice
If you punish kids
For what their parents do,
Then let's punish your parents
For having a kid like you!
For what their parents do,
Then let's punish your parents
For having a kid like you!
The Republican Congress has a plan
They plan and plan as best they can,
They plan and plan as best they can,
But when it comes time to deliver,
All they offer is chopped liver!
All they offer is chopped liver!
Trumpy Doodle Dandy
Trump and Putin
Went to Hamburg for a meeting phoney,
Faked a handshake on the stage
And called it Trumperoni!
Went to Hamburg for a meeting phoney,
Faked a handshake on the stage
And called it Trumperoni!
Media Relations
On CNN and cable news,
Sometime you screw
Sometime you're screwed,
But through it all
Don't come unglued!
GOP Nature Lore
When Shark Awareness Day is here
It's the two-legged ones we have to fear!
It's the two-legged ones we have to fear!
Banana Republic's a charge
We level at President Blimp.
Half think he's the big banana,
Half think he's the big ninny chimp!
We level at President Blimp.
Half think he's the big banana,
Half think he's the big ninny chimp!
The Mooch and The Mogul
"The Mooch and the Mogul" went to sea
In a bigly pea-green boat,
They took some honeys,
In a bigly pea-green boat,
They took some honeys,
And plenty of money,
Thanks to the Russian vote!
Thanks to the Russian vote!