Monday, December 7, 2009

Rules for Holes Needed
Tiger’s Practice Course

The number of holes on Tiger Woods’ Practice Golf course is expected by some to reach a dozen by the end of the week and serious golfers are talking about which golfing rules might apply.

Some of the practice-hole owners and designers are also talking about which clubs they might apply to Woods and where, but that is another topic entirely. So is the wisdom of letting the various holes run into each other, which tends to limit play.

But golf means getting the ball into the “hole by a stroke or successive strokes in accordance with the Rules,” the USGA rules say, adding that for situations in dispute and not covered by the rules, the “decision should be made in accordance with equity.”

So too should it be with Practice Golf, a sport at least as widely played as regular golf and much, much older.

As with all serious rules governing behavior, it is impossible to anticipate every question, so precedent is a guide. In that spirit, some suggested rules to explore:

Playing Two Balls At Different Holes gets you disqualified in real golf; in practice play, you’re lucky if that’s all it gets you.

Playing A Ball On The Wrong Green will cost you the hole in real golf match play, two strokes in stroke play --  and a hell of a lot of money in practice play.

Golf etiquette demands safety about not hitting others with clubs; practice play demands attention to not getting hit with golf clubs by others.

Golf etiquette demands concern not to distract other players; practice play should focus on not being discovered by other players.

Golf etiquette requires covering up your tracks in sand traps; Practice Golf requires covering them up everywhere.

Real golf holes are played in sequence; Practice Golf holes must always be assured that they are the only holes truly in play.

Real golf score are often posted for all to see; scoring in Practice Golf is best kept to yourself.

Practice Golf allows for a wider variation of equipment and technique than real golf, although both forms of the game make available coaches who will try to improve technique for a fee. Performance-enhancing drugs are frowned upon in regular golf play, but may be required in Practice Golf play, especially when the player has accumulated a large number of practice holes.


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