Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mainstream Media Shocked!

Stunner: Obama Is Black!

President Barack Obama is black, a stunned mainstream media discovered last weekend, followed by the equally-shattering news that racism is alive, well and getting elected to Congress.

Maureen Dowd of the New York Times wrote in Sunday’s editions that “boy” was the unspoken third word when South Carolina Republican Joe Wilson bellowed “You lie!” during the president’s health care address.

In the world of red states and necks, “boy” is the preferred white term of reference for a black male of whatever age. It’s employed by any white with an age higher than they can count and an IQ not challenging that counting limit.

As Dowd and other have reported, Congressman Wilson wanted to keep the Confederate battle flag flying atop South Carolina’s capitol and has been a member of Sons of Confederate Veterans.

Letting the Sons of Confederate Veterans speak for themselves, their website says: “The citizen-soldiers who fought for the Confederacy personified the best qualities of America. The preservation of liberty and freedom was the motivating factor in the South's decision to fight the Second American Revolution.

Right -- the 1776 revolution was about “all men are created equal,” while the second revolution was preserving the liberty of some men to deny that equality to others, which showed America’s best qualities.

To mainstream media, this theme from Wilson’s past was a horrible discovery. They didn’t – and don’t – understand Wilson’s constituents, those weren’t sins, they were qualifications. Good ones. As in Good Old Boy.

So last weekend marked the mainstream media discovering that the racism they declared dead in Obama’s ”post-racial” election is alive and well. They also discovered that never mind the stated excuse of birthers, anti-socialists, death-panel alarmists and others, most of the opposition to Obama and his programs springs from the politics of pigmentation.

As in the President of the United States of America is black and some Americans don’t like, can’t like and ain’t ever going to like black people.

Or immigrant people.

Or educated people, rich people, Jewish people, Not My Sect Christian people, or any other poor folk who happen to get slopped by that mental mud.

Well, this has been hard for mainstream media to bear, but they are struggling mightily with their burden and some say they look forward to new challenges as they rush to educate their waiting audience about their newly discovered truths.

Of course one of their new challenges is that the audience they’re rushing to educate is increasingly not there.

And another is that whether there for the media or not, almost all the audience knew those truths since they were old enough walk, talk and hate like grownups.

But please don’t tell the mainstream media about that just yet.

After last weekend’s thunderbolt, they need some time to regroup.

Hell, they were just barely recovering from those disturbing facts about Santa Claus.


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