Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Wanted: National Go Away! Act



The Obama Administration is launching so many initiatives at once that national pundits find themselves having to work eight-hour days, which makes them cranky, so they write stories about “over-extending” or “spreading too thin.”


Those not familiar with the national pundit corps may worry that such stories often lack attribution and are written as though the pundit’s expertise were sufficient. A simple profile photograph of most of the national pundit corps would quickly put those worries to rest. By and large, the pundits show great personal expertise in extension and spreading -- they don’t call them heavyweights for nothing, you know.


But both the busy Obama Administration and the national pundit corps are ignoring the crying need for a national Go Away! Act. As a public service, here’s why it’s needed and how it would work.


The Need: Noticing that telemarketers were driving their constituents nuts with their carefully timed-to-dinner pitches, politicians created a National Do Not Call registry with penalties for calling registered  telephone numbers. Also noticing that telemarketers both contributed to political campaigns and helped run them, the politicians put in a tiny loophole.


It explainscalls from or on behalf of political organizations, charities, and telephone surveyors would still be permitted, as would calls from companies with which you have an existing business relationship, or those to whom you’ve provided express agreement in writing to receive their calls.”


This tiny little loophole sounds like the eye of a needle through which camels must pass for rich men to get to heaven, but in New Jersey, it’s big enough for whole stampedes of horses all galloping back-end-first into my phone receiver. In the last week, my ears have been battered with:


            --Four calls on behalf of persons running for governor of New Jersey. I understand that running is part of their life cycle and that first they run for elected office and then run from prosecution for what they did when they got it, but can’t they just go from larval-stage candidate to full-grown inmate without bothering the rest of us?


            --Five calls from the company that administers our prescription drug plan, all following a script that announces ordering a three-month supply of drugs by mail as a moneysaver, failing to mention that it would also cut the local pharmacist out of the loop, allowing the drug plan to pocket the pharmacist’s share.


            --Two calls from the insurance folks expressing concern over worries I might have that they were certain could be eased by paying them more money, and two more from charities committed to helping the less fortunate right after they help the charity staff.


There were other calls, but they all need The Solution:


In a national Go Away! Act, Congress could require all telephone companies to develop software that would allow any irritated customer to terminate one of the Do Not Call Registry loophole calls by punching *46 2929, the Touch-tone codes for *GO AWAY. Upon receipt of the code, phone company machines would record the calling number and terminate the call.


Software would then dial the calling number 15 times at random over the next 24 hours with some compelling message, perhaps the Collected Works of George W. Bush or War and Peace in an ancient Latin translation.


It could work – there’s a need, a will and a way. Just give me some time to put together a political organization to call you about it.


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