Monday, May 4, 2009

Plunging Into Stormy Waters


When the gods of politics are feeling cranky, they take it out on Louisiana. Just look at the recent track record.


Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal’s response to President Obama’s first Congressional address was an opportunity for Jindal to establish himself on the national stage. He did. He established himself as having watched the late children’s TV star Mr. Rogers way too many times.


Senator David Vitter, another Republican, had his moment in the sunshine when his phone number turned up in the 2007 client list offered by the “D.C. Madam.” First elected to Congress replacing Rep. Robert Livingston whose quest to become Speaker was torpedoed by an adultery scandal, Vitter admitted to “serious sin” and said he had sought forgiveness from God and his wife.


He apparently got forgiveness from at least his wife, in spite of her earlier being quoted by CBS News during the Clinton/Lewinsky mess as saying "I'm a lot more like Lorena Bobbitt than Hillary. If he (Vitter) does something like that, I'm walking away with one thing, and it's not alimony, trust me."


Lorena Bobbitt, students of high-level journalism will recall, addressed problems in her marriage by using a carving knife on her husband’s penis. Apparently still intact, Vitter is running for reelection next year and perhaps facing Stormy Waters.


Stormy Waters, also known as Stormy Daniels, is a porn actress and director of note, and while not affiliated with a political party, is featured on a website, which says she will be on a listening tour in Louisiana next week about a possible Senate run. The Baton Rouge native’s possible political ambition has already been the subject of several media interviews.


All of which may or may not be a publicity stunt, but those who have followed Stormy Daniels’  film career are certainly familiar with all of her many positions and can testify that she has absolutely nothing to hide. Given her background, Daniels running against Vitter in a Republican primary would keep memories of his own scandal standing tall.


The website goes out of its way to say it’s not authorized either by Daniels or the company that produces her movies. Whois lists the registrant, administrator, technical and billing contacts for the site as 1 & 1 Internet, Inc., of Chesterbrook, PA.


Citizens of the Pelican state will certainly not lack for all the political entertainment their collective beak can hold.



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