Friday, July 31, 2009

Wanna Vote? Gotta Tote!

Must-Carry Rules

End Gun Debate

Politicians and citizens looking to end debate on gun control now have a solution. It’s so simple even elected representatives can get it.

Basic Principles: Gun-control in the United States is about who can carry a gun. That has sparked views as diverse as the National Rifle Association and the Brady Campaign. The only thing it hasn’t sparked is a solution.

What Guns Are For: The purpose of guns is to kill something or someone, depending upon need and circumstance. Which was the purpose of crossbows and longbows, swords and spears, atlatyls and antelope thigh-bones. So let’s not get historical or hysterical. And let’s agree that “shooting sports” with artificial targets is like “reading it for the stories” with copies of Playboy.

The Stupid Rules We’ve Tried: Depending upon the state you’re in, it’s okay to carry a gun openly or it’s not; it’s okay to carry a concealed weapon under some circumstances or it’s not. A citizen carrying a weapon can be perfectly legal in Virginia, illegal in the District of Columbia and questionable in Maryland and not even a Member of Congress.

The Solution: The United States must become a Must-Carry nation. Instead of spending countless dollars and hours wondering who may or may not carry weapons, the solution is to require all citizens able to vote to also carry weapons.

Upon reaching 18 years of age, each citizen who registered to vote would be issued a firearm of their choice. Private purchase would be allowed, provided the arms met minimum standards.

The right to vote would be contingent on carrying a firearm, perhaps with firearms training just as we have driver training. Still, Wanna Vote? Gotta Tote! would be a movement whose time has come.

Look at the issues this simplifies:

n Who can carry a weapon? Every citizen eligible to vote must carry a weapon. Only convicted criminals couldn’t vote or legally carry arms. The old slogan “When Guns Are Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Carry Guns” gets turned on its head.

n Social acceptance grows since carrying a weapon now becomes like carrying a voter registration card. Look for fashion to take a stand, perhaps with delicate .32 specials for the Vogue crowd and traditional .45 Colts for the Ralph Lauren set.

n Job Creation All those pistols, rifles, shotguns, ammo and accessories ain’t gonna support themselves. Thousands of businesses will be hiring.

n Homeland Security Holy Jihad aside, trying to shoot up a restaurant where all 300 patrons are armed has a high potential for grave disappointment over what’s left among the 70 virgins in Paradise.

What’s To Be Done: Contact your elected senators and representatives. Do it slowly and with respect – anyone asleep that long is going to be cranky upon awakening. Show them this column. For those that need it, read it to them without condescension, skipping the big words only when you must. Get them to agree. Wanna Vote? Gotta Tote! is an idea whose time has come.


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