Wednesday, September 2, 2009


A Political Party of N.O.T.A.BLES

The United States has two major political parties, and that has given us two possible Election Day outcomes – Bad or Worse.

You can test this for yourself. Vote in the next election exactly opposite of the way you usually vote. Note the results. Then in the election after that, go back to voting the way you always had. Again note the results.

Now apply the famed A.D.D. test from the learned groves of Political Science, and you can bet your unemployment benefits the A.D.D. (Any Damned Difference) score will be zero.

Doubt it? Just look at the last two administrations. During the Bush administration, the rich got richer and the poor got poorer. During the Obama administration to date, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

In the Bush administration, the rich got richer because government let them out of the regulatory cage. In the Obama administration, the rich are getting richer putting themselves back in the same unlocked cage.

(In both administration, the poor shifted for themselves and can proudly declare that they are as poor as they ever were without one bit of government aid.)

Well, there ought to be a better way and there is. You’ve probably felt it in the voting booth when you went down the list of candidates:

· Candidate A campaigns with his own money, made possible by remarkable luck in winning bids on public contracts and documenting unprecedented cost overruns.

· Candidate B is running as a “regular guy” just like all the other regular guys with an expensive roadster in the garage, a much more expensive trophy wife in the bedroom and a still more expensive “friend” in a townhouse somewhere.

When you looked at that choice, did you want to vote for None Of The Above?

Of course you did! And now, with the founding of None Of The Above political party, your voice will be heard!

We’ll call our candidates N.O.T.A.BLES, and because we’ll start as a small minority party, our ballot position will likely be last, the one at the bottom of the list. Here’s what a typical Congressional ballot would look like:

Republican: Hon. Thomas More Gotmine, incumbent

Democrat: John I. Wantmine

None Of The Above: John Q. Citizen

Any doubt which way that vote is going to go?

For philosophy, which any political party needs to hold its head high, we’ll turn to the noted sage Eddie Gotsense, who said to his disciples “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it; if it is broke, fix it so it ain’t broke again.”

That Eddie applied his philosophy to the auto-mechanic business and went bankrupt is beside the point. He had a philosophy and he stuck to it.

It’s the sticking that’s important, not the content. Just look at Republicans sticking to Less Government and Democrats sticking to Fiscal Responsibility.

What is also important is that the electorate gets a real choice and that’s why you should work to elect a N.O.T.A.BLE candidate in your next election.

Above all, remember the N.O.T.A. party’s motto:

“We May Not Be Better,


How The Hell Could We Be Worse?”


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